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EZ Pay Budget Plan

Paying Bills - Budget Plan New England winters are cold, and they put a substantial load on your household budget for a few months every year. Rather than digging deep to pay all your heating bills during winter, you can take control with Discount Oil's EZ Pay Budget Plan.

When you choose EZ Pay, we'll check your account history and project your costs for the next 12-month period. Then we'll divide your anticipated costs by 10 to determine your monthly payment from August through May. You'll know exactly what you will pay every month, and you can budget accordingly. The days of restructuring your budget to accommodate seasonal energy bills will be over!

If you'd like to enroll in EZ Pay, please call us or contact us online.

Price Protection

Discount Oil helps customers lock out inflation with a selection of price protection programs, including fixed price and capped price options. When you choose price protection, we guarantee your price for the upcoming heating season. With fixed price, you pay the same price for every gallon, regardless of how the market price changes. With capped price, you never pay more than the capped price, but your price can drop below the maximum if the market price drops.

Price Protection Price protection is an excellent service, but the true value is often misunderstood. There are two principal values of price protection: You lock out inflation, and you build in predictability. There is, however, no guarantee that you will get the best price. Oil prices can rise unpredictably, but they also can fall. During the 2014-15 heating season, prices dropped considerably after many customers were already enrolled in price protection, and the market price (when the customer pays for each delivery separately without any protection) turned out to be lower than the fixed price.

Price protection also limits your flexibility. We cannot release customers from price protection contracts, because we sign corresponding contracts with our suppliers when our customers sign on. We are required to honor our supply contracts, and we expect the same from our customers. As such, we recommend that you choose the buying option that feels most comfortable to you.

For more information about our price protection program, please call us or contact us online. To choose a price protection program and enroll online, please click here.


We offer two regular price discounts to our customers:
  • A Senior Citizen Discount
  • A prompt payment discount for customers who pay their bills shortly after delivery
Please call the office for details

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Energy Assistance

Discount Oil works with fuel assistance programs including the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP).

LIHEAP: The federally funded program assists low-income individuals and families with the cost of heating their homes during the winter season. It is administered in Massachusetts by the state Department of Housing and Community Development in conjunction with 22 regional nonprofit and local government organizations. Benefits vary depending on income levels.
  • Massachusetts: For information, call the state's Cold Relief Hotline at (800) 632-8175 or visit

  • New Hampshire: In New Hampshire, LIHEAP is administered by the Office of Energy and Planning. For information, visit or call (603) 271-2155.

  • Vermont: Department For Children and Families Economic Services Division - Office of Home Heating Fuel Assistance. Call 1-800-479-6151 or visit

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